ISSN 2221-74IX List of members of the editorial Board    |   Guidelines for authors    | Contacts

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ВПМО №3-2 2012
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ВПМО №1 2012


ВПМО №4-2 2011
ВПМО №2-1 2011


ВПМО №3-4 2009
ВПМО №2 2009
ВПМО №1 2009


ВПМО №3-4 2008
ВПМО №2 2008
ВПМО №1 2008


ВПМО №3-4 2007
ВПМО №2 2007
ВПМО№1 2007


ВПМО №3-4 2006
ВПМО №2 2006
ВПМО №1 2006

Guidelines for authors Requirements to the manuscript

  1. The text should be typed in Microsoft Word for Windows, Times New Roman, size – 14, 1,5 interval.
  2. Indentation is not run by tabs or spaces.
  3. You should not format the text , not to do the transfers manually. Do not use the automatic formatting of headings, numbering (numbering should be done manually).
  4. The text field should have the following dimensions: top and bottom — 20 mm, left — 30 mm, right — 10 mm
  5. Pages should be numbered consecutively, starting with title page.
  6. For tables use table-only editor WinWord ' a for charts and graphs — Excel.
  7. Tables, graphs and charts can be embedded in the text, or attach as separate files and print on separate pages. In the text should specify where they should be located (PL. 1, Fig. 1, etc.).
  8. Carefully check the most recent version of the file and its compliance with the printout. Title page

Title page should contain the article title (in capital letters), initials (first) and surname of each author, name of institution (institution where work done) in Russian and English languages. To specify only the part of the organization's name, which refers to the concept of a legal entity, do not specify the names of the Department, laboratories and other structural divisions within the organization; be Sure to specify the address, as a minimum,city and country, and best of full legal address Summary and keywords The summary should reflect the main content of the article and the research results and being structured to have an approximate sections: background, objective, materials and methods, results, conclusion – if this is possible, because in descriptions of clinical cases or the survey is difficult to do. Compact but not short (from 100 to 250 words). Under summary after the designation of the "Key words" is placed from 3 to 10 key words or short phrases that will help correct cross-indexing the article and may be published together with a summary. Summary and key words must be presented in Russian and English languages. The text The text of the article is divided into sections c headings "Introduction", "Materials and methods", "Results", "Discussion", "Conclusion" or "Conclusions". Article type case reports (clinical observations), reviews and editorials, may be decorated differently. Article clinical observations are formalized in the following order: first highlights the main work on the nosology described( with references); next, it identifies own clinical observations; the report indicates the main features of observation; photographs (required); references ( no more than 15 sources). The article volume should not exceed 10 pages. The review article should not exceed 15 pages, and bibliography - no more than 30 sources. Tables and illustrations Limit yourself to those tables and figures to those needed to explain the main arguments of the article and assess the degree of their validity. Use graphs as an alternative to tables with large number of data; don't duplicate the data in graphs and tables. Responsibility for the accuracy data, including mathematical, are the authors. Illustrations (pictures) should be professionally drawn and photographed. Illustrations may be submitted as color slides. References and bibliography References in the text, the tables and the figure captions should be numbered in Arabic numerals in square brackets. Specifies the subtitle "References" not "bibliography" In the list of references put points between the initials of authors and the standard abbreviations of the names and magazines. If a book is cited, specify the number of pages in it. If the cited Chapter from the book, here is the Chapter name, specify its first and last page. The volume of article should not exceed 8-10 pages, bibliography of 15 sources. The review article should not exceed 12 pages in length, and references not more than 30 names. Submission of manuscript The manuscript articles should be sent to the editorial office c cover letter from the institution. The direction in edition of works published in other publications or sent to other editorial boards is not allowed. Manuscript accepted on electronic media in the editorial office or by e-mail If possible, format the text and the presentation of the material check c edition. Must be specified name, middle name, last name, phone, mailing address (Fax, e-mail address) responsible for correspondence. The article should be posted information about the authors: place of work, position, contact information. You must have signatures of all authors and print the medical institution. Signature of the head of the institution is desirable. Board with graduate students for publication of manuscripts isn't raised. The order of reviewing articles All articles submitted for publication are peer-reviewed. Comments of reviewers are sent to the author. The decision on publication (or rejection) of an article accepted by the editorial Board after receiving the review and answers of the author.

Address for correspondence: 107076, Moscow, street Korolenko, d. 3, korp.2, Department of clinical Mycology and Dermatovenereology FPMR people's friendship University, editor-in – chief. Department Professor Batkaev E. A., Deputy editor – Nadezhda Vladimirovna Tel. 8 (495)964-31-46, 8(495)964-31-46, 8-915-023-07-61, 8-915-023-0987, e-mail:




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Адрес редакции: 107076 г.Москва, ул. Короленко, д.З, корп.2
+7(495) 964-31-46
+7(915) 023-07-61
+7(915) 023-09-87
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